Our leader on WXN Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada

I’m really humbled by this Women’s Executive Network (WXN) entrepreneurship recognition and have a few thoughts on the road to here, the brains and hearts around me, and what makes our country equally great and complex. Being named one of the winners of Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100 really means a lot!

So far over 20 years, 2,000 women have been celebrated for their accomplishments and their persistence. And I’m under no illusion that there aren’t another 20,000 more who are deserving.

It’s truly an honour. Following the pandemic, I know this year has been especially hard for so many women. The challenge that entrepreneurs, community and business leaders have faced these last few years has been incredible. For some, it’s probably seemed insurmountable at times. But there has been ineffable tenacity. I’ve seen it in my business – in the people who have supported me and sought our help at Compass Rose. And I know that along with me, my co-winners have all benefited from the people around us. Nobody gains what power they may have in a void – it comes from an enormous amount of support. This acknowledgement reminds me of how crucial it is to raise up the people who will join us, follow in our footsteps, and even lead us. The right footsteps are what help us to walk in our clients' shoes.

Compass Rose is a company I founded on the principle that public policy best serves us when it benefits everyone. For me, this award is really a recognition of the organizations and communities that we’ve been able to help – along with the brains and hearts of very smart people working together with the common good in mind.

Canada is an amazing place. It’s a big place. There is power in that. And there is some challenge to that, too. Not everyone gets the same opportunities, not everyone is able to fight for their share of access to opportunities. So, I am keenly aware that I carry the responsibility of this recognition for those who are still pushing for change without the same reach that I am fortunate enough to have. We are our values. I have found that little has been more compelling in my career than trusting and investing in them.

I’m grateful to everyone who has helped me along the way – and still help me every day. I will keep trying to return the favour.


Theo Argitis to join Compass Rose as Managing Director leading new business streams


Compass Rose founder Jacquie LaRocque named WXN Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada